Lots of crispy bacon is tossed with hot, buttered noodles, whipped egg and cream, and a generous measure of Parmesan cheese to make this delicious classic....
Author: Jackie
The addition of summer tomatoes and spinach to this traditional dish brings things to a whole new level. The trick to the recipe is preparation, have all...
Author: waeqhswife
Pasta, eggs, and cheese make a deliciously quick, easy, and unique meal for a mid-week dinner or weekend brunch. This may sound unappetizing to some but...
Author: Amber Vejraska
Great for vegas! Tastes just like traditional Carbonara or even better! The coconut is very healthy! Enjoy this romantic, simple, hot dish!
Author: MIKI3
This was always a family favorite. Easy to reheat. Great as a side dish. Timing is important for success. Toss the sauce with HOT noodles: the eggs continue...
Author: Erin Clifton
Lots of crispy bacon is tossed with hot, buttered noodles, whipped egg and cream, and a generous measure of Parmesan cheese to make this delicious classic....
Author: Jackie
This was always a family favorite. Easy to reheat. Great as a side dish. Timing is important for success. Toss the sauce with HOT noodles: the eggs continue...
Author: Erin Clifton